

In a series of Insight articles, we discuss and present investment opportunities we actively use in our building blocks to form our absolute return portfolios.

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Cash Plus Solution

UBS announced that it will charge clients negative interest from July 2021 if cash balances exceed CHF 250’000. Many other banks have followed suit and are also charging negative interest on CHF and EUR cash

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Direct Lending – Performance Analysis

Direct lending returns have historically been driven by consistent double-digit income returns, with a range between 10% and 12%. The slow decline in credit spreads within the CDLI over the last several years is a

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Secured Lending – Insight

In einer Serie von Fachartikeln thematisieren und präsentieren wir Investment Opportunitäten, welche aktiv als Bausteine in unseren Absolute Return Portfolios eingesetzt werden. Bislang haben wir die folgenden Themen vorgestellt: “Structured Credit”, “Direct Lending” und Anlagen

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Secured Lending backed by an asset

Generally, a “secured” loan is backed (or secured) by an asset. Hence, the borrower pledges an asset (i.e. in our example a property), as collateral in favour of the loan. In the event that the

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Direct Lending – a growing Asset Class

In a world of historical low interest rates and (very) high debt burdens combined with an economic outlook that foresees only moderate global GDP growth, it is a fair assumption that structural inflation pressure should

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